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HELP - The cutting of virtual NEW YEAR CAKE (vasilopita)

Duration 3-15 minutes

You can watch the virtual cutting in 2 ways.

  1. Online, at the same time that the virtual cutting takes place.

  2. Whichever time you want after the cutting

Friends or relevant of yours can also watch the virtual cutting, from their office or home, in the same way.

  1. Online

Visit the site of the e-vasilopita and click on the choice: “Participants. Check out your registration and note your code” After that, you will be able to see the list of all the participants in alphabetical order (name, surname, home page).

Find your name and click on it, in order to be transferred to the virtual table, where you must wait till you get your piece of cake.

Until your piece appears next to your name, you can check out where other participants come from, by passing over their names with your mouse.

When your piece appears, click on it and that will turn upside down. If you win, your piece will turn to a big coin-flouri , otherwise it will remain the way it is.


The participants gathered on the same virtual table, can check out each others pieces without being noticed. In case you find a coin-flouri in somebody else’s piece of cake, do not inform him/ her (IF YOU KNOW HIM). It’s better for him/ her to be surprised by finding it out by himself/ herself. If the winner of a coin-flouri is connected online, his/her name will appear automatically, below the picture of the vasilopita. Otherwise, his/her name will appear the day and time he/she will be connected. A week after the day of cutting, all the winner’s names will be presented, either the pieces will have been checked or not.

It’s important to update your pc with the latest information, by refreshing it every 20-30 seconds.

  1. Whichever time after the cutting

Visit the site of the e-vasilopita and click on the choice: “Participants. Check out your registration and note your code” After that, you will be able to see the list of all the participants in alphabetical order (name, surname, home page).

Find your name and click on it, in order to be transferred to the virtual table, where you must wait till you get your piece of cake.

After that, you will be able to see the list of all the participants in alphabetical order (name, surname, home page).

Find your name and click on it, in order to be transferred to the virtual table, where you will see your piece of cake.

click on it and that will turn upside down. If you win, your piece will turn to a big coin-flouri, otherwise it will remain the way it is.

EXAMPLE: click on this piece, wait 4-6 sec and look ...

Each of the virtual tables consists of 20 participants. The coins are randomly distributed to the wholesale participants.

The substitute coins will be as many as the coins.



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