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Click here to play online TRIORI.

HELP (TRIARA is like tic tac toe)

The game is played with two players who form a square, either on paper or in sand with diagonals and straight lines joining the middle of the sides of the square. There are totally nine positions, one in the middle and eight on the sides. Each player has three pieces (pessos! in ancient Greeks), e.g. the first player (player1) has three white stones (pebbles) and the other (player2) has three tiles.

The major difference with tic tac toe is that once all six chips are on the board then the players start playing one after the other until one of them forms three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row.
Both players decide to play e.g. seven games. the player with the most wins is the>


First example.

1. The player with the white stones plays first and places the chip in the middle. 2. The player with the tiles plays. 3. Again, the player with the white stones plays. 4. 5. 6. Lastly, the player with the tiles plays and the chip placement on the board has now finished. 7. The player with the white stones places moves his/her chip and forms three respective marks in the horizontal row. .

Second example.

1. The player with the tiles plays first. 2. Next, plays the player with the white stones. 3. Then again, the player with the tiles places a chip on the board. 4. The player with the white stones plays next. 5. The player with the tiles plays. 6. Lastly, the player with the white stones places and the stones & tiles placement on the board has now finished. 7. The player with the tiles makes a wrong move 8. Thus, the player with the white stones moves his/her pawn, blocks his/her opponent and forces him/her to move from the middle position At this point the first player yells at his/her opponent 9. The player with the tiles moves his/her pawn from the middle position.
10. The player with the white stones makes a move and forms three respective marks in the horizontal row.

* Unfortunately most of us know tic-tac-toe or noughts and crosses but don't know anything about ancient Triori.

Click here to play online TRIORI. The other player has to accept your call to begin the game.

E.g. Take a look at the left image.

Kostas invites Stella to play a game of triori who has accepted the invitation.

You have the option to watch the game while it is being played live if you select the Games tab and click on an active game e.g. Kostas vs Stell. Take a look at the right image where Nik has the option to watch live the game Kostas vs Stella .

Be careful! If two minutes have past and you have stayed idle, the game finishes and you will have to login again.

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